SABC board members announce resignation in Parliament

Cape Town - SABC board members Krish Naidoo and Vusi Mavuso have announced in front of Parliament's portfolio committee on communications that they will be resigning from the board, calling the board unfit.
Both Naidoo and Mavuso expressed their unhappiness on Wednesday with the how the board compiled its presentation to the committee on the state of affairs at the broadcaster.
"I’m not satisfied with this presentation. If we are honest, it was amateurish," he told the shocked room.
"And I am saying this as a board member. I was not party to it [the presentation] and have no idea who compiled it."
Naidoo said some of his board colleagues really didn't know how to answer some of the questions, and he understood why the board could be dissolved.
Mavuso backed up Naidoo's version of events, saying they were not involved in the presentation, nor had the board met beforehand to discuss their meeting in Parliament.
Mavuso said he felt board members could be scapegoated for the problems at the SABC, for decisions he had not been privy to.
MPs, both majority and opposition, were beaming after the pair spoke.
MPs are now addressing the board. Questions continued on Wednesday.

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