FeesMustFall,free education for all

FeesMustFall must maintain the momentum until the desired resolution is realised, that is free and quality education for the poor. 
To say that you support the call for free and quality education but stand against the shutdown of universities nationwide, it's a terrible contradiction and a demonstration of lack of appreciation of the issue at hand.
Think about it, if our government is refusing to strategize means for free and quality education now under so much pressure with universities shutting down, student protests etc, what will ever convince or cause them to re-prioritise and strategize for this just call in the near future?
This is a revolutionary call by the masses, the young people of this country. Perhaps an answer to the question, what is our generational mandate as the young people of South Africa today. 
This is a revolution, and a revolution will always be accompanied by some level of pain, discomfort, uncertainties and sometimes even fear but it is all necessary and worth it in a long run.
Putting this into a better perspective, few weeks of universities shutting down it's incomparable to the glory that will follow the victory of a just call for free and quality education. 
In addition, contrary to popular believe, access to institutions of higher learning, universities in particular, it's not a privilege but a basic right of citizens. Universities shouldn't be for the elite only.
We refuse to be structurally excluded and denied the opportunity to enroll at universities. No youth should be denied an opportunity to access a South African university because the parents couldn't afford registration fees never mind tuition fees, cost of living etc. and funding opportunities failed to recognize the gold in him/her.

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