#WomensMonth: 8 things women just do better than men

Since we are celebrating Women's Month and women in all their diversity, we should give them the credit they deserve for carrying off those tasks that men just don't seem to be very good at.

You know what I'm talking about - those times when men turn to the woman in their life with that puppy dog look and say: "Babe, can you help me out here, please?"

And the times when they insist they know what they're doing, but the evidence clearly shows they're drowning like rats on a sinking ship.

Then there are the other times when they do their macho act, especially when their mates are around and they don't want to let the team down. You can see the enterprise is doomed to fail, but you know that commenting at this point could result in a blazing row, so you smile vaguely and get out of there as fast as you can.

1. Answering children's questions on "awkward" topics 
You know exactly which questions I'm talking about here don't you? The ones that deal with sex, puberty and relationships of course. While some dads are quite comfortable talking to their sons about sex and puberty, many of them balk when confronted about the same issues by their daughters. So it's not unusual to hear a dad tell his daughter to "go ask your mom". And it's rare to find a dad who dishes out relationship advice that really works.

2. Organising the household finances
While most men believe they rule the roost, the reality is that women generally control how and when the household finances are spent. They are the ones who generally do the shopping end ensure that the utilities are paid, hire nannies and handymen and decide when renovations are called for.

3. Following instructions
In my household, and those of most of my friends, the women are the ones who figure out exactly where that last screw in the new DIY assembly piece you bought fits. Or what to do to make the volcano you helped your child build for science class erupt. Or even the shortest route to take when its your family's turn to do the school run.

4. Sustaining relationships
Women tend to put more thought and effort into their relationships. Whether it's a romantic relationship, friendship or at work, women simply try harder to get along with people and resolve disagreements than our male counterparts.

5. Rolling dough
This may seem like an odd one, but it's true! Women are better at handling dough because their hands are cooler. In fact, a number of cookbooks advise men to run their hands under a cold tap before attempting this mundane activity.

6. Communicating
This is a no-brainer. Where our male counterparts tend to hold back when they're feeling upset, stressed or even happy, we have no qualms about voicing our feelings - on anything! We cry, laugh, shout, swear with equal abandon - and we're happy to vent rather than bottle things up.

7. Remembering 

Show me a woman who forgets her loved ones' birthdays or a wedding anniversary, or the exact date and time of the first time she met the love of her life? How many guys remember their wedding anniversary or the anniversary of their first date, first fight, first .... Need I say more?

8. Multi-tasking
Most women can tend to their children, check on the progress of a big presentation at work, sort the laundry and cook a meal at the same time. Men just are not that great at juggling. How many guys get that right? How many times do you see a sniffling (because she has a cold and should be in bed) woman doing the grocery shopping with a crying baby on the arm and a cantankerous child in the trolley? And how many times do you see men doing the same thing?

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