Cosatu on Whitey Basson's remuneration package:
The federation has noted with revulsion the obscene and vulgar amount of money that was paid to Shoprite's CEO, Whitey Basson, who was paid over R100m in the year to June 30 2016. Cosatu denounces this payment because Shoprite is paying Mr Basson for his excellent work in exploiting workers on behalf of shareholders.
Shoprite's strong growth including its expansion into Africa, has been carried by the thousands of workers, who are paid slave wages and forced to work even during non-trading holidays.
While Mr Basson is being rewarded with over R100m; many workers at Shoprite have seen a reduction in incomes, benefits and job security.
The same people, who are defending the exorbitant payment to Mr Basson expect workers to moderate their wage demands and sacrifice for the economy by accepting poverty wages.
It is this arrogance and hypocrisy that will worsen the industrial relations in this country and lit up the fire that will be difficult to snuff out. Workers will no longer tolerate slave wages and working conditions suitable for servants, while the senior executives like Mr Basson are living like medieval aristocrats.

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